Im Mai/Juni ist die AG Comicforschung auf der „International Conference on Narrative“ in Pamplona (30.5.-1.6.19) mit einem Panel vertreten.
International Conference on Narrative
May 30 – June 1 at the University of Navarra in Pamplona, Spain
Clutter in the Glutter: Visual “Disorder” in Comic Book Narratives
1. Juni 2019 | 15.30h-17h
Chair: Vanessa Ossa, University of Tübingen
Lukas R. A. Wilde (Tübingen): “Graphic Mediation and Material Re-Enactment: Sebastian Lörscher’s Making Friends in Bangalore.”
Vanessa Ossa (Tübingen): “The Fragmented and Layered Narrative in Matt Kindt’s ComicSeries Mind MGMT.”
Marina Rauchenbacher & Katharina Serles (Vienna): “Queering Comics: ‘Fatties’ and ‘Whores’, Gender Gaps and Body Signs.”
Die Konferenz wurde organisiert von:
Prof. Rocío G. Davis (
Prof. Rosalía Baena (
Prof. Anabel Martínez (
Department of Philology
School of Humanities and Social Sciences
University of Navarra
31009 Pamplona, Spain
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