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Online Workshop: CorpoRealities: Perceptions of ‘Extraordinary’ Time in Literature and Comics

Workshop at Freie Universität Berlin

Thursday, June 25 to Saturday, June 27, 2020

This workshop will be taking place as an online conference.
Advanced registration is however still necessary. Please contact pathographics@fsgs.fu-berlin.de to reserve a space (deadline: June 15).
Online streaming via Webex. Further details and instructions regarding the technical format of the conference will be emailed to registered participants.

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[Postponed] Workshop: Image Sequencing in Periodicals – Comics, Photojournalism, Cinéroman, and Illustrated Film Periodicals

Bild-Sequenzierung im Journal: Comic, Fotoreportage, Cinéroman und illustrierte Filmzeitschrift

Ruhr-University Bochum, Germany

Due to the Corona pandemic, the workshop is postponed to the winter 2021/22.

Organised by the DFG Research Unit 2288 Journal Literature, the Committee for Comics Studies and the Committee for Photography Studies at the German Society for Media Studies (GfM)

300-word proposals due by: 31 January 2020 (imagesequencing-workshop@ruhr-uni-bochum.de) => Call for Papers

Weiterlesen »[Postponed] Workshop: Image Sequencing in Periodicals – Comics, Photojournalism, Cinéroman, and Illustrated Film Periodicals

Workshop: Approaching the Practices of Reading Comics: Perspectives from Phenomenology and Interface Studies

Date: 29 th /30 th of November 2019 (Friday/Saturday)
Location: Kolleg-Forschungsgruppe Cinepoetics, Grunewaldstr. 35, 12165 Berlin

Participants are kindly asked to register with bjoern.hochschild@fu-berlin.de or lukas.wilde@uni-tuebingen.de

Weiterlesen »Workshop: Approaching the Practices of Reading Comics: Perspectives from Phenomenology and Interface Studies

Approaching the Practices of Reading Comics: Perspectives from Phenomenology and Interface Studies // Call for Participation

Workshop of Cinepoetics – Center for Advanced Film 
Studies and the Committee for Comics Studies 
(AG Comicforschung) of the German Society for Media Studies (GfM)

Date: 29th/30th of November 2019 (Friday/Saturday)
Location: Kolleg-Forschungsgruppe Cinepoetics, 
Grunewaldstr. 35, 12165 Berlin
Max. 30 participants
Registration needed by 1st of October 2019, 
please write to 
lukas.wilde@uni-tuebingen.de and bjoern.hochschild@fu-berlin.de

Weiterlesen »Approaching the Practices of Reading Comics: Perspectives from Phenomenology and Interface Studies // Call for Participation